The Magic Of Existence

Over the past few days I switched off my social media (Instagram) and went on a ton of adventures. From Friday after purchasing fresh fruit and veggies from Mullumbimby farmers markets, we had a short and sweet Shabbat dinner at our beautiful share house near Tweed Heads. For those of you who don't know what Shabbat is, it's a Jewish ritual. The story goes that God created the world in 6 days and then the 7th day is a day of rest. As for us, we work 6 days a week, and therefore the 7th day (Friday night as the first star is out to Saturday night when the first star is out) we are mean't to switch off all technology and truly rest. This is a really special and deep practise, as it's definitely important to take rest as much as we can, after exerting so much energy.
So on Friday night we made a feast. My friend made us Hummus and Babaganoosh, another friend made a yummy Cauliflower roast and home made Kombucha. A complete feast. Followed by vegan ice cream.
Saturday and Sunday were a lot more relaxed as usual. We stayed at home and rested, organised the week ahead, and grounded a few ideas. Monday morning was a complete buzz- grabbing 1000 500ML jars for all our different enterprises, and then going to a beautiful Waterhole called Hells Hole. Followed by the dreamiest sunset at Christmas Beach.
The next day, we had a shoot at Wategos, followed by another dreamy beach and a kirtan at a friend in Mullumbimby.
The day go by here, with so much aliveness and joy.
The amount of gratitude is overwhelming.