Enhancing Your Creativity
“Creativity is intelligence having fun” - Albert Einstein
This winter it’s time to get creative! We’ve been on a full time journey of learning what inspires us and enhances our own sense of creativity, lucidity and flow! Through accessing our own creativity, we can enhance our entire lives, improve our connections and relationships, and see the world in a whole new light!
Here are some thing’s that we have found increase our own sense of creativity and allow us to tap into our subconscious abstract reality!
Here are some thing’s that we have found increase our own sense of creativity and allow us to tap into our subconscious abstract reality!
1. Juice
2. Watching The Sunrise And Sunset
3. Ocean Swims
4. The Moon
5. Winter Fire, Tea, And Good Company
6. Yoga
7. Pecan Butter
8. Good Food.
9. Reading.
10. QI Gong And Horses.
11. Painting
Let us know what else you would like to hear from us. Have a warm and creative winter. Xx
From India With Love